ZD Soft Screen Recorder 8.1include Keygen

ZD Soft Screen Recorder is a software that allows you to take pictures in various methods.

When you start the program with a user-friendly interface, you can choose to create a demo of the screen (cursor control, partial screen, full screen).

But you can also capture video communication media (web streaming, media players, etc.), games, record and share your screen.

Therefore, you can connect a microphone to narrate your actions if you want to take the line, change the size of the view box and place it anywhere on the screen, and keyboard shortcuts to begin the recording process .

In addition, you can define the file name and output directory, opening the output destination, adjust the video settings (for example, the uncompressed video, width, height, frame rate, video codec, troubleshoot the speed factor, control lines) and audio options (for example, uncompressed audio, bitrate codec, the quality of the encoder channels).

In addition, you can configure keyboard shortcuts active selection box sticking to view, add a mouse click effect, show bar and frame rate in the game, hide the message balloon and more.

The program uses a surprisingly small amount of system resources and does not cause us problems in our tests. However, there is no help file is, the image quality output files is not as large (in some cases, half of the recorded material was completely distorted) and in general video does not work properly .

So if you want to try recording software on your computer, we suggest ZD Soft Screen Recorder.


Full Screen recording.
Partly screen recording.
Multi-screen recording.
Follow the way to the window.
Follow the position of the mouse pointer.
Highlight / mouse click effects.
Put your own recording text / picture logo.
Support for the game in full screen.
Support Games windowed mode.
Support Direct3D 8/9/10/11 Thurs.
Support OpenGL games.
In the Cam overlay Thurs.
In the information frame rate set.
In the game, the recording indicator.
Rooms overlap integrated into the recording.
Camera overlay display on the desktop.
Displaying cameras overlap in the PC game.
Cameras of the adjustment size overlap.
Adaptation overlapping position cameras.
Webcam control overlay options.
Correction latency Webcam.
Audio / audio recording system.
Voice recording with the microphone.
His mixture System + Voice.
External audio recording.
Control reading device setting.
Saving the configuration of the shortened apparatus.
Mute / anytime during recording.
Based on automatic timer recording.
Keyboard shortcuts customizable by the user.
Caution recording mode.
AVI / WMV video recording format.
Screen format PNG / JPG / BMP.
ZD Soft Screen Recorder 8.1include Keygen
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