Everything / Beta

Everything is an advanced file search engine is supported by a wide range of options and configuration properties. His
The main attraction is that it provides rapid results, thanks to the fact that the index automatically
drives, monitors the changes and updates the index accordingly.
Customize settings during installation
• Before installation, you can select the configuration of the application and the data location and configure it as a service and
specify the port service. Alternatively, you can run with administrator privileges or NTFS jump Indexing
• Offers to run every time Windows starts until further notice, but this option can be disabled before
installation or later from the control panel. The tool can also be associated with files UFE
(All lists of files) and automatically fixed index NTFS volumes. In addition, you can integrate all
the shell extension for Windows Explorer scan files quickly.
Minimalisticlooking interface with advanced options
• An icon will be created in the area of ​​the system tray at startup and exit. The main window of the application,
Search window, takes a minimalist approach in terms of appearance. But the menu bar
and the right mouse button menu contains many options that you can explore. Multiple instances are supported, so
You can perform various search and display results side by placing side by side windows.
Find your files immediately and apply advanced filters
• Anything that can automatically index the drives and folders that you specify, showing search results
in real time. You can specify exceptions, cases, matches, whole words, roads or diacritics, allow regular
expression, apply audio filters beaches, files, documents, executables, files, photos and movies,
and add the current search filter.
Sort search results and save the file list
• The search results can be sorted by a variety of criteria, such as name, size, path, extension or date
creating either ascending or descending order. In addition, you can create and organize bookmarks, save
the list of files to use files or export search results to CSV later or TXT files.
Evaluation and conclusion
• Search operations were carried out immediately in our tests. The application uses a small amount of CPU
and RAM, so it can work anytime in the background without affecting computer performance.
• It is full of a wide variety of options and advanced settings, so you should not be a
Surprise, everything that is not easy to install, provided you want accurate results. However
little consultation manual should help give you a boost.
• Finally, while a large search engine files that you must meet the requirements of most PC users
They want results delivered immediately. There is also a portable edition available is called mobile
But if you want to run the tool directly from a USB stick.
But if you want to run the tool directly from a USB stick.
• Not available
* Not available
OS: Windows 2K / XP / XP 64-bit / Vista / Vista 64 bit / 64-bit 7.7 / 8.8 64-bit / 64-bit 2003/2008/2008
Everything / Beta
Everything / Beta 64bit
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