Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 RTM Direct Download ISO & Keys

Microsoft released the RTM version of his 2015 study of software developers Visual development tools.

Visual Studio family
In recent years, the Visual Studio family expanded to be more comprehensive than ever. Developers and reception was amazing to see.
In the center is the Visual Studio IDE that millions of developers around the world love and use every day to build great applications. Last year, we introduced the Visual Studio Community - The Visual Studio IDE with all the features that are free for the development of different companies. Since November, we have seen more than 5 million rapid Community Visual Studio downloads never adopt a Visual Studio.

Two years ago, we introduced the Visual Studio Online, which provides a rich collection development services hosted in the cloud for the family of Visual Studio - source control for the right portfolio to gain knowledge and hosted applications . Today we have over 3.2 million registered developers to Visual Studio Online.

And earlier this year, in April, we launched a preview of the new code for Visual Studio, a sophisticated code editor for Mac, Linux and Windows support and development of cloud web platform. Over the past three months, we see over 500,000 Visual Studio code downloads, with about half of the downloads for Mac and Linux.

Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6
Today's launch of Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6 provides hundreds of new features for developers to create desktop, web, mobile, cloud and more.

Productivity Innovation
As developers, we spend much of our time each day in Visual Studio. So with each new version, it is our mission to deliver new innovation which provides a more productive developer experience possible in Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2015 continues this trend, with improvements in productivity through troubleshooting and diagnostic code editing and refactoring, and programming languages.

The code editing and refactoring
In this editor, C # and VB developers to use the new tools based in Roslyn, including bulbs to proactively suggest corrections or potential tools code refactoring. With Roslyn code analyzers developers can also customize alerts and suggestions provided in the editor for the needs of your team.

Programming languages
With Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6 are the final versions of C # and Visual Basic 6 14. With dozens of new language features that simplify common coding models, new versions of C # and VB.NET provides a good step forward for the .NET developer productivity.

Visual Studio 2015 also includes support significantly improved for C ++ 11/14/17 typed with 1.5, C # 4.0 and Python tools and dozens of other languages.

The opening on the Web, Cloud and Mobile Development
Whether the development of web, cloud and mobile, developers are looking for flexibility and choice. Visual Studio .NET and provide that choice, offering the opportunity to target new platforms, with new programming language, and have the expertise and existing applications to new environments.

As part of this, over the last two years, we opened many of the components of our batteries Programming in Visual Studio and .NET code - Roslyn written CoreCLR and Python Tools for Visual Studio. In addition, it is easier than ever to work with open source technology in Visual Studio.

Web Development and Coverage
With .NET 4.6, we also make available ASP.NET 4.6, the new version of our web development framework. ASP.NET 4.6 adds support for HTTP / 2, as well as support for the new features of C # and the new Entity Framework 6.1.3. Visual Studio Tools for the development of a website continues to expand to offer HTML and CSS tools with updated standards and support a much richer JSON editor.

Visual Studio 2015 also includes the latest Azure SDK provides one-click provisioning and deploying Azure for websites and cloud services, and facilitates the management of all or cloud resources. Whether your application using Azure IaaS or PaaS, built with .NET or Python or Node.js or use Linux or Windows, or Docker containers cloud tools in Visual Studio 2015, you can easily integrate with Azure.

Besides this, developers can also use the overview of ASP.NET in Visual Studio 2015. ASP.NET May 5 is one of the most important for the ASP.NET platform which made changes. Because ASP.NET five points in CoreCLR, which can be implemented in their election platform, whether Linux, Mac or Windows. Besides this, ASP.NET 5 offers fundamental improvements rapidly growing cloud configuration, according to the handling and modularity.

Visual Studio 2015 Professional VL
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2.015 Company
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 RTM Direct Download ISO & Keys
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