Shadow Defender include Serial

Shadow Defender is a complete solution and reliable software designed to protect your computer against malware, viruses and a variety of other threats that can affect and change the system configuration and content.

In essence, the tool is fairly easy to understand. an original computer clone is created, using all or a single unit of the system user to enter what is called 'Shadow Mode', which is similar to a virtual environment. This way, each change, attacks or fixed parameters They are used in "Shadow Mode" will be thrown immediately when I switch it off.

Shadow Defender offers two ways to write "Shadow Mode", namely the "Exit Shadow mode stop" and "Enter Shadow Mode Boot", which allows you to choose what you prefer best.

Shadow Defender prevents permanent damage to your computer is affected, so regardless of their activities, download files or edit documents, leaving the "Shadow Mode", which immediately returned to its original state.

However, the program allows you to specify certain folders and files to exclude from the "Shadow Mode" to keep the changes could have done, even when you leave this protective environment, committed to the original volume automatically. Similarly, you can add one or more "Register" to the exclusion list, which implement all changes.

Moreover Shadow Defender a manual method to permanently save a file or change the volume, particularly through the "commit now." This can be found on the program interface, it fits well into the context menu, so you can click on the item you want to save and choose option "Commit by Shadow Defender".

In short, Shadow Defender is an interesting application that offers a new way to protect your computer against virus attacks and their negative impact on the files on your computer.
Shadow Defender include Serial

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